Get the backfire figured out quickly...backfiring a 2 stroke can do some serious things to your engine. The quick high pressure from a backfire can and will blow the oil seals right out of their journals. Then no matter what you will be hard pressed to get it running at all without doing the seals over.
As it has been suggested a compression test...followed by a leak down test should be performed. My suggestion would be to do at least a comp test before you go further...dont keep trying to start it if it consistantly is backfiring.
Just because the stuff is "new" doesnt mean it was assembled correctly
Get a comp gauge and a shop manual to go further...and find your baseline for the carb. Why are you having to clean fuel out of your exhaust...and your reeds are soaked with gas? Is the carb leaking fuel down into the crankcase because of a leaky float valve? Is the crankcase full of extra fuel? If the previous owner sold it to sure it hasnt gotten much use...and this was one of the first rides...ESPECIALLY because your guy said rich...Im saying you may just need to douche the carb and fuel system...possibly replace the float valve. DRAIN ALL THE FUEL from the tank...try to strain it through a PPG paint strainer to check for grit/particals...and make sure the float valve works to meter fuel. If not it will drown in fuel...fill the crankcase and pipe...and not start until it is drained. What are your plugs looking like...sopping wet with gas?
Getting the crankcase empty from fuel will require you to raise the buggy from the rear with a hoist...the idea is to essentially "dump" out the engine with the exhaust headpipe removed. IF Im on the right road with the fix...and you need to do all this including dumping the crankcase sure to drain the counterbalancer oil before you tilt the buggy around...if the oil mod has not been done...oil may end up in the mag/ignition side of the crankcase and eventually waste your starter motor.