Author Topic: 78 fl250 front shock question  (Read 2023 times)


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78 fl250 front shock question
« on: October 12, 2009, 03:11:22 PM »
Hi I am new to the ody world and couldnt be happier. I have a 78 fl250 that I picked up for 400 bux. It runs great. However my front right shock was stuck when purchased. It would compress but not decompress. It would stick compressed until I took my foot and held down the rim and yanked up pretty hard on the bumper to unstick it. As soon as I got back on and hit a bump it would stick again. I sprayed some wd40 up inside it and it seems like the more I ride it the further it compresses before sticking. It almost bottoms out on the rubber stop now before sticking. And it is not as hard to unstick. To make a short story long. it just seems like there is junk on the piston perhaps that is gradually working its way free. My question is: If I unbolt the shock and remove it so I can soak it or spray some stuff in it will I have trouble getting it back on? Meaning when I unbolt it from the machine and remove it, will it expand longer and need compressed to re-install?
Thank you all for your contributions to this site ! I am so glad I have found you all here. And thanks for the help in advance.

Here is a video of me thrashing it around some hope you enjoy.....



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78 fl250 front shock question
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 03:13:54 PM »
Do not know if you have thos figured out but you do not need any spacial tools for removing or installing the shock..My right shock was doing the same and could not repair it,probably bent so had to replace it...I have one if you need a shock//