So, the 350 is alive and well, got through the first tank in it, and once i started getting into it a little more on the second tank, and started sliding around the back end a bit, i ripped the shock piston/rod out of the bottom peice that bolts to the lower rear axle carrier, the thing that holds the spring onto the shock, and that holds the shock onto the lower axle carrier. It looks like someone didn't have a spring compressor handy and didn't thread the base piece all the way on, becuase the top two threads on the shock rod had a bit of the material in them that they pulled out of the allow base piece, and only the top two threads of the adapter piece looked clean (albeit ripped out) and the inner/lower threads looked dirty/oxidized, like it wasn't threaded in that far to begin with. Took spring assembly off oddy and the base piece threads right on down to the jamnut(w/o spring on of course), seems that just the first couple threads got pulled out. The advice i seek is: Use a nice spring compressor and simply thread that base piece/spring holder in all the way down to the jamnut (which it didnt look like it was before) and see how that goes, OR Drill the base alloy peice out and Heli-coil it back to OEM size? Which one do you guys think will be stronger? I will of course EVENTUALLY be going to the works shocks, but that isn't really an option for me at the moment. Thanks guys!