Author Topic: Temporary gravity feed setup need help  (Read 1809 times)


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Temporary gravity feed setup need help
« on: February 16, 2013, 06:39:25 PM »
I bought a fl350 not long ago and it had what appeared to be some kind of lawn mower type gas tank rigged up on a gravity feed system with a mikuni fuel pump but no T fittings or check valves. After looking into it I rebuilt the pump with new seals and replaced all the fuel lines with new ones. My question is do I need to put any form of T fitting or check valve between the tank and pump or between the pump and carburator? If so where and how many? I only plan or running this until I can find a factory fuel tank which I really would like to have so any leads other than eBay would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance
Fl350 and FL250