Author Topic: 10mph top speed!  (Read 8514 times)


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10mph top speed!
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:29:53 PM »
Damn, just got this Odyssey and was all excited to take it out today.

Its slow as dogshit, made it to the end of the street and turned around. Sounds like the engine is running full speed (seems like its hitting a rev limiter) but the CVT is not adjusted properly. When I jack the rear end up I can get the tires to spin fast, but it seems like it takes a while to get there. I can see the CVT Clutches working, but I don't think the front clutch is adjusted properly or something.

What I have noticed is that the belt does not ride all the way up on the engine clutch, it gets to about 1/4 from the top and doesn't go up any further. Also when its idle there is about a .25" clearance between the belt and the clutch plates. Seems like too much but I am no expert.

The clutch is a Powerbloc, Mikuni carb, V-Force 3 Reeds, gravity fed no fuel pump. Not sure on the belt brand, I can find no markings.

Can anyone provide any insite?



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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 08:27:40 AM »
When you say 1/4 from the top,is that 1/4" or 1/4 of the way up?There is supposed to be some slack in the belt so when the clutch releases at idle,it won't keep moving... I would start by checking the belt width for wear...The powerbloc is a pretty simple clutch with not too many moving parts,so don't be afraid to take it apart and make sure nothing is worn out....Just clamp the faces together or it will fly apart when you take the cover off...Also,if it has the "D" cut on the end of the shaft,make sure you get it lined up correctly before putting the cover back on....
Also,you may want to check the driven clutch...If it is binding,it will keep the drive clutch from closing completely...


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2013, 08:41:28 AM »
If it seems like a rev limiter, that may be what it is. The reverse rev limiter will only let you go about 10mph. If the switch or wires to it are bad, it will engage all the time. The switch is to the right of the frame tubes in the rear. It has a black corrugated tube over the two wires that go into it and a black boot right at the switch. One wire is grounded when not in reverse to turn off the rev limiter. The other wire is grounded when in nuetral to allow the electric start to work. You can run a jumper to these wires to test the switch. Check the wires are good as well.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2013, 10:21:22 AM »
When you say 1/4 from the top,is that 1/4" or 1/4 of the way up?There is supposed to be some slack in the belt so when the clutch releases at idle,it won't keep moving... I would start by checking the belt width for wear...The powerbloc is a pretty simple clutch with not too many moving parts,so don't be afraid to take it apart and make sure nothing is worn out....Just clamp the faces together or it will fly apart when you take the cover off...Also,if it has the "D" cut on the end of the shaft,make sure you get it lined up correctly before putting the cover back on....
Also,you may want to check the driven clutch...If it is binding,it will keep the drive clutch from closing completely...

It gets about 1/4 (total) of the way from the top. The belt is 1.13" measured with a digital micrometer. I can take the powerbloc apart but when I watch it operate it appears to be functioning properly and smoothly. One thing I am worried about is the "D" cut being stripped out from an improper installation, is this possible?

The rear (driven) clutch operates smoothly also.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2013, 10:34:55 AM »
If it seems like a rev limiter, that may be what it is. The reverse rev limiter will only let you go about 10mph. If the switch or wires to it are bad, it will engage all the time. The switch is to the right of the frame tubes in the rear. It has a black corrugated tube over the two wires that go into it and a black boot right at the switch. One wire is grounded when not in reverse to turn off the rev limiter. The other wire is grounded when in nuetral to allow the electric start to work. You can run a jumper to these wires to test the switch. Check the wires are good as well.

I will check this as soon as possible. It has an aftermarket pipe and silencer so its pretty loud, but it does sound like it is hitting a rev limiter. I will try jumpering it this evening. The electric start is not working via the steering wheel, so i guess its possible those wires to the switch are not connected at all or the switch is missing completely.

Thanks for the help so far.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2013, 10:41:20 AM »
I will add some pics I posted at minibuggy, they might provide some insight.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2013, 10:46:27 AM »
The belt starts out 1.188 wide.

That style carb sucks for jetting compared to a Keihin PWK. That intake will eventually rip open stretched to fit it.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 01:18:46 PM »
The belt starts out 1.188 wide.

That style carb sucks for jetting compared to a Keihin PWK. That intake will eventually rip open stretched to fit it.


I should probably change this carb to a Keihin then? What is a good size? I am not sure if this motor has any internal work, but it does have bolt-on's.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2013, 01:58:56 PM »
39 if ported or may port someday, 35 otherwise. The OD of the 35s spigot is about the same size as the carb you have now. If you want to wait on an intake, it should fit yours.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2013, 07:44:19 PM »
My "change switch" is missing or relocated.

I need to trace the wires from the CDI to try to locate it or something.

EDIT: I jumped the grey wire from the CDI to ground and now the engine revs alot higher. BUT, i noticed there seems to be alot of amps going through that wire, when i ground it, it sparks and after a few seconds the wire gets a little warm.

Is this normal?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 08:18:07 PM by leeleatherwood »


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 10:49:47 AM »
I don't think that is normal. The amps going to those switches should just be triggers, not running something. I just looked at the wiring diagram and grounding the gray wire from the CDI should be correct though.


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Re: 10mph top speed!
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2013, 12:45:55 PM »
I don't think that is normal. The amps going to those switches should just be triggers, not running something. I just looked at the wiring diagram and grounding the gray wire from the CDI should be correct though.

Again, thanks.

Someone wired the neutral and reverse wires to the battery positive wire. Luckily it didn't blow the CDI, that thing is expensive.

The starter relay is blown though, luckily those are cheap. The whole cart seems like an electical mess, the lights do not work and neither does the digitron.