Total newbie here, both on the forum and with the fl250. It's actually my father-in-law's and he said I could have it if I could get it running. It has a rigged gravity feed tank at the top of the seat and feeds directly into the carb. It would start first pull and idle fine, but out on the trail it would smoke excessively and flood at anything over 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. It would recover when letting up on the throttle and idle fine, the just start to flood and smoke when pulling anything past about 1/4 throttle.
The throttle needle was set in the mid position, so I moved it up to the leanest setting at the top. It ran a lot better, but I still couldn't get it to really open up at full throttle.
On one run, the thing just picked up and hauled. Just like it was supposed to. No stuttering or pause on throttle. Well, it ran out of gas right after that. So I got to thinking about the gravity feed setup and how the pressure of the fuel down the line may be causing excess fuel to be injected into the carb. As it was almost out of gas with no fuel pressure from the tank, I figured that was the cause of the problems.
I have the OEM tank so I pulled off the fuel pump as I read on several posts that you should run the pump even with gravity feed. I hooked up the pump to the gravity tank and ran a line back up to the tank. Fuel trickles out of that hose when running and the odyssey start and runs about the same as using the straight gravity feed set up.
I then decided to test my empty tank theory a few times by shutting off the fuel at the tank and just running the fuel in the line (with the pump) without any pressure from the tank. It ran better, not quite as well as the one time when I ran out of gas with the gravity feed, but it could take full throttle without flooding or sputtering too badly.
So I'm at a loss as to what is causing the excess fuel in the carb. The gravity tank is near the top of the roll cage, so it has about 3' of hose to the carb (or fuel pump). When I move the throttle needle back to middle position it runs real bad, smokes and floods. I can't even get close to full throttle and barely even get it back to the shop.
Any ideas out there on what would be causing this excess fuel? I'm in Nebraska, so the factory jetting should be fine, but i don't know where else to control the fuel as it comes out of the bowl. I've gone through the whole carb and it's spotless. It's almost like if there was one more notch at the top of the needle, that would be the perfect setting.
Thanks for your input on this.