I have our first father/son FL250, never heard it run but going thru all parts first. Engine is free and should not be an issue.
I am on the clutchs now- I have the motor out with drive clutch still on- my problem is the rear driven clucth.
I have it on the bench off of the reduction gear- lossend the spring by turning off the boss inside helix, snap ring is off.
Cant get the helix off- I have been soaking with PB Blasters for 2 days- Should it not just slide off the shaft connecting the pully halfs?
I have tried a little heat from a gun to see if I can expand the metal and get the blasters to go down but not sure if any plastic inside to damage with alot of heat.
I have a puller on it now with a little pressure on it too- but DO not want to break the soft metal.
Any help would be great- Thanks in advance.
After I get this done I plan to disassemble the Drive clutch to inspect and clean up.