1. Install the seals from the inside of the case. Use a large socket or seal press to slowly and lightly push the seal(s) into place.
2. The manual is talking about pressing the flywheel side bearing into the case. Put the bearings in the freezer for a few hours, and the cases in a 250 degree oven for 10-15 minutes (after the seals are installed) and then the bearings should pretty much just drop into place. If they don't seat all the way you can then press them the rest of the way into the case with the press, or you can tap the bearings in place using a small drift or punch tapping lightly ONLY on the outer race of the bearing until the bearing is seated all the way.
3. The flywheel side of the crank needs to go into the case first. Follow the same procedure above, except freeze the crank, and heat the case with the bearing facing up or it might fall right back out. Push the crank through the bearing before the bearing cools off. You need to get the crank seated all the way into the bearing, and make sure the rod is clear of the case. If the crank doesn't seat all the way you can make a tool that will all you to pull the crank all the way into the case.
http://g2buggy.g2-innovations.com/pilottech/tools.htm About midway down the page is the tool I made for pulling the pilot crank into the case. You can use the same type of tool for the FL250.
4. Repeat #3 for the clutch side case.
5. Torque to spec and follow through with the rest of the rebuild.
6. Don't forget to pressure test the engine when you are finished.