I am having an odd issue with my jetting and EGT. No matter what I do with my jetting the EGT runs on the high side between 1200 to 1400 degrees in the mid range to WOT. I have jetted the main from a 165 to a 190 (Kehin Carb) and the temps remain about the same. I have also change the clip position for mid range jetting. I know the jetting is making a difference because of the way it runs. It runs the best with the 165 and the worst with the 190 (too rich) and clip position runs best in the middle. The odd thing is that the when doing the plug chop routine the color is allways a shade of Charcol gray to brown. My question is can the EGT be bad and still read, just not correctly. This is an analog EGT. Also why is the plug Grey? I have done jetting many times and have not seen thisa yet.